No Virginia, these
aren't meteorites
at the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory, we
frequently see samples that lay-people
believe might be meteorites, but which
are not. Below is a list of common
SLAG (below): Slag
is a nonmetallic product of the smelting and refining of metals.
Slag can have shiny surfaces (left)
or a bubbly texture (right).
IRON OXIDES (below):Weathering
of iron-bearing rocks on the Earth can
produce iron oxides (hematite) and
hydrated iron oxides (limonite/goethite).
Hematite (left and right images immediately
below) often has a silvery or
reddish-brown exterior, and always
will leave a reddish-brown/maroon streak
on a ceramic plate. Limonite
(lower left and right images) typically has a brownish
or mustard-colored exterior, and always
will leave a yellow-brown/mustard streak on
a ceramic plate. The picture
in the upper right shows hematite that has replaced
pyrite, retaining pyrite's cubic crystal
structure. Meteorites will never have cubes
or rectangles sticking out from their

Page last modified December 2, 2010
