CML Collection
Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory collection
started in 2003 with one individual, a 40 lb Odessa that had been
decades earlier (see EF
Lange page).
It has grown rapidly, mainly by donations, to over 1392 distinct meteorites as
of March 13 2021.

would especially like to thank the following
individuals who have each donated over 100 meteorites to CML:
Dick Pugh
Edwin Thompson
Gene Frederiksen
Peter and Katie Abrahams
we would like to thank
the anonymous donations of some significant pieces of the D'Orbigny and
"Baygorria" meteorites.
meteorite collection at Portland State University hosts official type
specimens of meteorites-- meteorites where PSU is the repository of the
main scientific sample in the world. Many students have contributed to
the classification effort this has required. For a continually updating
list of type specimens (it misses a couple), see:
The 100s Club
(donations of
>100 meteorites)
Dick Pugh.
CML member Dick
Pugh is a long-time meteorite enthusiast, educator, and field scientist
who graduated from Portland State University and went on to teach
for 30 years at Cleveland Highschool in Portland. He has
spent decades
giving lectures on meteorites and currently is the face of CML's
program. He has donated many specimens to CML from his
private collection,
including many "non-ordinary" ordinary chondrites.
Edwin Thompson (at right,
with son Patrick).
"I have been mystified
by space science since an early age and have always been a rock
My siblings and I would sleep under the stars often on warm summer
to watch falling stars and since mom was a school teacher and we lived
just two miles from the site where the Willamette meteorite was found,
I new what meteorites were and where they came from by the age of 5
The Willamette site was one of my favorite childhood picnic places. By
the age of sixteen I felt that meteorites were the ultimate rock and
a few in my rock collection. My first meteorite was a 272 gram Canyon
iron that was purchased from Harvey Nininger for $1.00! In the
I began buying and selling meteorites as a effort to develop my current
business; E.T. Meteorites. The business is based in Lake Oswego, Oregon
after many years of work on the road doing 48 gem and mineral shows per
year. In my life I have had the opportunity to live my bliss and have
countless pieces of extremely rare and passionately sought after
Dick Pugh has been my mentor for 25 years and the creation and
of C.M.L. is a long time dream of ours that is now a rapidly growing
--Edwin Thompson
Gene Frederiksen (left
center, next to wife Susan),
together with Alex Ruzicka
and Melinda Hutson.
"I started collecting
meteorites in 1999. I wanted my first meteorite to be a good
so I bought one from MARS - a Zagami shegottite. Soon after I bought
book "Rocks from Space" by Richard Norton and decided to
start a
collection that would have every meteorite classification in it. As I
going through this process, I tried to learn the differences
soon bought the Catalog of Meteorites. I found the most fun
to me
was the hunting for the "rare" one. Through the use of the internet, I
was able to search out new finds from around the world and became in
to most meteorite dealers and meteorite researchers.
"One day while going
through the Catalog of Meteorites, I came across the
meteorite "Hardwick".
Very cool as I had grown up in Hardwick, Minnesota. As a child in
we had never heard that there was a meteorite from Hardwick (I think
was because it wasn't socially accepted that there was anything from
except maybe aliens :) ). I decided to hunt down
the Hardwick
meteorite and donate it to the historic society in the area.
I soon
found a slice of this meteorite (very lucky) and donated it
to allow
those that follow to have pride in their local meteorite. As
I was
questioned on how I knew it was from space and how I knew it
just a rock, I pulled out my Catalog of Meteorites to show that the
meteorite does exist (I also donated the Catalog of Meteorites to them
to help future studies). I also am a firm believer in classification
of meteorites so I showed them that it was from New England
Services. I was finally convincing enough that the meteorite
accepted (although I did see something being tossed out of the window
they drove away -- just kidding).
" I hope that PSU can enjoy
and use the collection that is being donated. It is a wonderful field
--Gene Frederiksen

Peter Abrahams (upper left and right) and daughter Katie Abrahams.
Peter Abrahams
was a true Renaissance man, with a wide range of interests including
the optics and history of telescopes and microscopes,
woodworking, and the collection of meteorites. He served as the
President of both the Antique Telescope Society and the Rose City
Astronomers, and as Secretary of the Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Sigma Xi. He
was a long-time lab supporter, who acted as the auctioneer at our
fundraiser, every year from the first fundraiser through 2017, the last
fundraiser before his untimely death in March 2018. He was a generous
and thoughtful man who appreciated the beauty and complexity of the
world around him. Peter will be missed by all who knew
him. His daughter Katie Abrahams kindly donated his
collection of meteorites and meteorite thin sections to the lab.
Page last modified April 4, 2021
