CML in the News
Check out the life of
the lab on our facebook page, at
Edwin (left) and
Patrick (right) Thompson holding a slice of the new Nigerian chondritic
shock melt that they donated to the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory (CML).
This sample is the 1000th unique meteorite in the CML collection (CML1000).
Lab curator
Melinda Hutson received an award for Supporter of Research from the Columbia-Willamette
chapter of Sigma Xi for her aid in the creation and support of the Cascadia
Meteorite Laboratory.
Of note
- February,
2025-- Director Alex was interviewed by KPSU radio host Doug
Cress for the PDX-Earth show. The subject: asteroid 2024YR4, which was
discovered in December of 2024 and found to have a small chance of
hitting Earth in 2032. Will it hit, what would happen if it hit, and
can we prevent it? How do we find asteroids? And other than being dismayed about space rocks hitting
us, why should we care about them? Find out by listening to the
interview (it appears between 35-53 minutes in the following 1-hour mp3 file):
- December,
2024-- A paper titled "'Ground Truth' Occurrence of Pink Spinel
Anorthosite (PSA)
as Clasts in Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 15500: Chemical
Evidence for a Genetic Relationship with Lunar Highlands Mg-suite and
Formation by Magma-Wallrock Interactions", was published by CML student
Daniel Sheikh, director Alex Ruzicka, and curator Melinda Hutson in
Meteoritics & Planetary Science (MAPS online publication,
- December, 2024-- M.S. student George Anim was awarded a
M.S. Geology degree for his course and thesis work, entitled "Shock Effects
including Maskelynite Formation in Three Shergottite Meteorites from
Mars". When published, George's thesis will be made available through the CML publications page and PDXScholar. Congrats George!
- November, 2024-- Ph.D. student
Daniel Sheikh advanced in his Ph.D. studies, becoming an official
"Ph.D. Candidate" after passing his Comprehensive Exams and
- September,
2024-- Ph.D.
student Daniel Sheikh was awarded the prestigious 2024 Gordon McKay
Award for the best student oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of
the Meteoritical Society. Daniel's presentation was titled "Application
of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) to investigate the
petrogenesis and shock deformation history of a Pink Spinel Anorthosite
(PSA) clast in Northwest Africa (NWA) 15500". Mention of this award, including a
photo of Daniel and a co-winner, was included in the December 2024
of Elements Magazine.
- September,
2023-- The lab welcomes the arrival of two students starting their M.S.
degrees, Benjamin Agyemang and Vince Mugica. Welcome Benjamin and
- February,
2023-- Congratulations to CML student Daniel Sheikh on being awarded a
prestigious Wiley Award for best presentation at the 2022 MetSoc
meeting in Glasgow. Yeah Daniel! The CML Facebook page has some photos.
- January,
2023-- Calling all undergraduates! The lab has need for student
undergraduate volunteers to study space rocks in 2023. See flyer for more on this opportunity.
- September, 2022-- The lab welcomes the arrival of George Anim, who is pursuing an M.S. on martian meteorites (shergottites).
- June, 2022-- Congratulations
to James Frye who completed his M.S. Geology thesis with the lab. His
thesis, "Electron backscatter diffraction analysis of olivine in
ureilite meteorites: Evaluation of the partially magmatic catstrophic
disruption model of the Ureilite Parent Body (UPB)" is available
through the CML Publications
- December,
2021-- Congratulations to Kimberly Maccini who completed her MS Geology thesis
with the lab during the pandemic. Her thesis, titled "Characterization
and interpretation of feldspathic chromite assemblages (FCAs) in four
ordinary chondrites: An Electron backscatter Diffraction Study" is
available through the CML Publications
page. The lab also welcomes the arrival of Daniel Sheikh, who is
pursuing a PhD on lunar meteorites.
- June, 2020-- Dick Pugh,
cofounder of the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory, passed away peacefully
in his sleep on June 15. Dick was in many ways the heart of the lab,
helping establish endowments and funds for the lab, donating meteorites
and materials, stoking enthusiasm, and being the public face of the
lab's outreach and informal education efforts for many years. In 2011
he received the Service Award from the Meteoritical Society for
outreach and informal education. His efforts led to the recognition of
new meteorite finds in the United States, and a new fall in Cambodia.
He co-authored papers including one now in review. His enthusiasm for
meteorites was infectious, his caring for people and students great,
and he had a good crusty sense of humor. He will be missed, but his
memory will live on. Link to a tribute for Dick Pugh.
- May, 2020--
The PSU Geology Club, Coriba, hosted a talk given by CML Director Alex
Ruzicka on "Meteorites: Misconceptions, Reality, and Their Value". Link to mp4 Zoom video recording.
- January, 2020-- CML was mentioned in the January 1 2020 issue of Meteorite Times Magazine.
This article, "Getting a meteorite classified", by James Tobin gives a
good a idea of the classification process from the perspective of a
metorite enthusiast. It also shows the kind of data products we obtain
during classification work, in this case for the newly named meteorite
NWA 13090 (LL3). It is a repository sample for which the lab has the
type specimen, sample CML 1170.
- June, 2019-- A record number
of CML students are in the process of graduating this month.
Congratulations for a job well done are in order for Karla Farley ("Distribution and
origin of carbides in ordinary chondrites", MS Geology thesis), Mike
Ream ("Geothermometry of H6 and L6 chondrites and the relationship
between impact processing and retrograde metamorphism", MS Geology
thesis), Robert Kostynick ("Bleached chondrules and the possible
influence of aqueous alteration", B.S. Geology honors thesis), and
Secana Goudy ("Assessment of Cluster Chondrite accretion temperature
using Electron Backscatter Diffraction and implications for
chondrule formation models", M.S. Geology thesis). Theses will be made
available through PDX Scholar and the CML Publications page upon final completion.
- April, 2019--
CML curator Melinda Hutson received notification that her
proposal to the Oregon Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) to engage in
studies of meteorites from the CML collection was approved.
This proposal, "Leveraging a meteorite collection to foster
STEM-related research for faculty and students" was awarded through
the OSGC Affiliate Faculty Infrastructure Program and is for one year of activities.
- November, 2018-- CML
Director Alex Ruzicka and affiliate Richard Hugo
received formal notification that their NASA research
proposal to study deformation and heating effects in ordinary
was selected for funding. This proposal ("The deformation-heat
connection: Evaluating hot accretion, lithification mechanisms, and
heat sources in ordinary chondrites") is for 3 years of research and
involves a team of international collaborators.
- May, 2018-- The CML
meteorite collection surpasses the 1000 milestone! Over 1000 uniquely
different meteorites and impactites are now present in this collection,
a feat attained in 15 years through grassroots efforts and the generosity
of many donors. Edwin and Patrick Thompson of ET meteorites donated
a spectacular slice of a new Nigerian chondritic melt breccia, specimen
May, 2018-- CML curator Melinda Hutson wins
the Sigma Xi Supporter of Research Award for 2018, in recognition for her
efforts at promoting science research.
September, 2016-- CML lab personnel Alex Ruzicka
and Melinda Hutson were featured in a September 12 Channel
2 KATU newscast about the OSIRIS-REx launch, and mentioned in a September
16 Wall
Street Journal article about public meteorite specimen identification.
April, 2016-- Alex Ruzicka was named a Fellow
of the Meteoritical Society for significant contributions to our understanding
of chondrules, chondrites, CAIs and achondrites; and for community outreach
in Meteoritics.
November, 2014-- The lab's annual fundraiser
is featured in this
link to an article and video by the Vanguard, PSU's student newspaper.
November, 2014-- CML student Katherine Armstrong
defended her M.S. Thesis, titled "Chemical and petrographic survey of large,
igneous-textured inclusions in ordinary chondrites".
June, 2014-- CML student Kristy Schepker defended
her M.S. Thesis, titled "Complex thermal histories of L melt breccias NWA
5964 and NWA 6580".
June, 2014-- CML and PSU student Karla Farley
presented her Undergraduate Honors Thesis, titled "Classification of four
meteorite samples".
June, 2013-- CML student Katherine Armstrong
won $1250 from the Planetary Studies Foundation to attend the Annual Meeting
of the Meteoritical Society in Edmonton, Alberta, in late July. Kat will
present a poster on her thesis work at this conference.
December, 2012-- CML Director Alex Ruzicka
received formal notification the day after Christmas that his NASA research
proposal to study the petrogenesis of inclusions in ordinary chondrites
was selected for funding. This proposal ("The origin of large, igneous-textured
in ordinary chondrites") is for 3 years of research and involves a team
of international collaborators.
November, 2012-- In this MP3
file, listen to Alex chat with KPSU's Tara and Jeremy about the Cascadia
Meteorite Laboratory, the Curiosity Mars rover, earthquakes, and the end
of the world as we know it.
May, 2012-- CML curator Melinda Hutson wins
the Sigma Xi Supporter of Research Award for 2012, in recognition for her
efforts at promoting science research.
April, 2012-- CML Director Alex Ruzicka received
formal notification that his proposal to obtain planetary major equipment
was selected for funding by NASA. This proposal, "Acquisition of
an Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) System for the Zeiss Sigma SEM
at Portland State University" will facilitate research on meteorites and
will be useful for a variety of other applications. The equipment
will become part of the CEMN facility
at Portland State University.
August, 2011-- CML member Dick Pugh received
the Service Award of the Meteoritical Society at the 2011 MetSoc meeting
in Greenwich, England. This award "honors members who have advanced the
goals of the Society to promote research and education in meteoritics and
planetary science in ways other than by conducting scientific research."
for the citation and here
for the presentation made by Alex Ruzicka. In 2011, Dick also received
the Duane Marshall Special Service to Education Award from the Oregon Science
Teachers Association and was recognized as a Sigma Xi Distinguished Member.
March, 2011-- PSU and CML student Niina Jamsja
won an Honorable Mention for the Stephen E. Dwornik Planetary Geoscience
Undergraduate Student Award for her poster at the 42nd Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference entitled "Presence of hydrous phases in two R chondrites,
Northwest Africa 6491 and 6492", presented with Alex Ruzicka.
July, 2010-- CML Director Alex Ruzicka received
formal notification that his proposal for an outreach program was selected
for funding by NASA. This proposal ("Meteorites on the Road II: Expanding
NASA outreach in the Pacific Northwest") will continue to support CML member
Dick Pugh in his travelling roadshow of meteorites for three more years
and will fund other outreach activities.
April, 2010-- PSU and CML student Niina Jamsja
won an Honorable Mention for the 2009 Nininger Award for her paper with
Alex Ruzicka on NWA 4859, an unusual metamorphosed chondrite melt breccia.
Niina was recognized because, as an undergraduate, her work represented
a high level of research. This paper was published recently
[Jamsja, N. and A. Ruzicka (2010) Shock and thermal history of NWA 4859,
an annealed impact-melt breccia of LL-chondrite parentage containing unusual
igneous features and pentlandite. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 45, 828-849.]
For more on the Nininger award, see
March, 2010-- PSU and CML student Niina Jamsja
was awarded an Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the Oregon Space
Grant Consortium to recognize achievement in meteorite research with advisor
Alex Ruzicka. Niina plans to utilize her scholarship monies for new research
on some unclassified and interesting samples in the CML collection.
February, 2010-- CML Director Alex Ruzicka
received formal notification that his research proposal to study shock
effects in ordinary chondrites was selected for funding by NASA.
This proposal ("Shock histories of chondrites as revealed by combined microstructural
(TEM), petrographic, and X-ray microtomography (µCT) analysis")
is for three years of research with Co-Investigators Rick Hugo (Geology
department, PSU) and Jon Friedrich (Fordham University).
Press releases
CML newsletters
Page last modified: February 20, 2024
