Help support your lab

Our Lab has two very different funds to which you can donate

Both of our funds are part of the Portland State University Foundation, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Your donation to our lab is tax deductible.  The PSU Foundation is also one of the nonprofit organizations recognized by the Oregon Cultural Trust.  A matching contribution to the Oregon Cultural Trust can be claimed as a tax credit.  Please see their web site ( for information.

Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory Fund

This fund helps support the lab directly, including

1) providing funds for meteorite classification (use of analytical equipment and creation of thin sections)

2) supporting small student research projects (high school, undergraduate, and graduate students)

3) supporting small but interesting research projects that are not funded by government grant agencies. These often serve as pilot projects for grant proposals

4) providing funds for minor day-to-day operating expenses and supplies
The Erwin F. Lange Endowment

This fund is invested. The principal (donations) is not spent, but the earnings/interest on the fund support curation of the lab, including

1) salary for the lab's curator

2) fund for meteorite acquisition

3) funds for curation of meteorite samples, including sample cabinets and sample containers

support by mail icon
Please make checks payable to the "Portland State University Foundation" and include the fund you are supporting (Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory or E.F. Lange Endowment) in the memo line.

Mail to:
Portland State University Foundation
P.O. Box 243
Portland, OR 97207-0243

support by phone icon
Contact the PSU Foundation by phone at


Please be sure to let them know which fund
(Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory or E.F. Lange Endowment) you want to support.

support online icon
You can donate online at one of the secure links below.

Cascadia Meteorite Lab

Erwin F. Lange Foundation

We appreciate the support!

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Page last modified January 7, 2025